One of the most interesting aspects of Roam is how it allows the effective implementation of different idea frameworks. This is something I will be covering in more detail in the future.
Here are three idea frameworks to start off with.
Building a Second Brain
The concept of a second brain, an external brain that stores knowledge and that is used in tandem with one’s biological brain, is a concept that has been popularised by Tiago Forte.
He gives a summary of his Building a Second Brain ideas here –
Maggie Appleton, a talented designer, has created a series of sketchnotes that summarise the Building a Second Brain course –
Note-taking and the Zettelkasten system
You can find out more about using Roam for note-taking on the Roam Note-taking page.
Tiago Forte has created a summary of Sonke Ahrens’ book How To Take Smart Notes, which builds on Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten system. The summary can be found here –
This article by David Clear is another excellent introduction to the Zettelkasten system –
Spaced repetition
You can find out more about using Roam for note-taking on the Roam Spaced repetition page.
Scientist Michael Nielsen has written a powerful article on the importance of remembering knowledge for successful creativity and thinking and how spaced repetition works as a technique for building memory –
Anki is the app he uses for spaced repetition.